K25-RC Conversion Kit for Trumpeter 1/16 M4A3E8 Late


K25 - RC Conversion Kit for Trumpeter 1/16 M4A3E8 ( Late Version Item No: 61620)

Price: US$239

Status:  In Stock

- workable HVSS with metal volute springs
- gearbox with 180 size carbon brush motors.
- turrent rotation, gun elevation
- main gun firing effect, with LED gun flash and gun recoil
- machine gun firing effects, with LED gun flash and machine gun swing motor.
- provide engine sound effects, with engine startup, idling and running sound, engine sound changes according to speed.
- high quality audio amplifier with 3” 5W speaker
- LED head lights
- powered by 2 Cell 7.4V Lipo battery (Lipo battery NOT included and must be purchased separately)

Kit contains:
- gearbox with 180 size carbon brush motors
- sprocket mounts
- turrent assembly with turret rotation motor, gun elevation servo, gun recoil servo
- turret ring gear
- metal volute springs
- idler wheel bearings
- metal gun barrel with recoil spring
- main gun LED
- machine gun LED with swing motor
- LED head ligths
- MTC-2 mini tank controller
- ACU aux. control unit
- 3” 5W speaker
- audio amplifier
- snap catch set for upper and lower hull
- detail construction manual

Following items are required but NOT included. You must purchase them separately:
- Trumpeter 1/16 M4A3E8 kit (Item no: 61620)
- RC transmitter and receiver (4CH)
- 2 Cell 7.4V Lipo battery (T-Plug) (Attention! Lipo battery can be dangerous if not use
  properly. Follow all safety precautions and use a dedicate Lipo battery charger)

RC Conversion Kit for Trumpeter 1/16 M4A3E8 User Manual
MTC-2 and ACU User Manual

This conversion kit is designed for experienced model maker which may be difficult for beginners. Please read the manual to see if you have the skill and tools required.

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